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Migrating older extensions

This page lists changes in OpenRefine that require significant adaptations from extensions.

Migrating from Ant to Maven

Why are we doing this change?

Ant is a fairly old (antique?) build system that does not incorporate any dependency management. By migrating to Maven we are making it easier for developers to extend OpenRefine with new libraries, and stop having to ship dozens of .jar files in the repository. Using the Maven repository also encourages developers to add dependencies to released versions of libraries instead of custom snapshots that are hard to update.

When was this change made?

The migration was done between 3.0 and 3.1-beta with this commit:

How to migrate an extension

You will need to write a pom.xml in the root folder of your extension to configure the compilation process with Maven. Sample pom.xml files for extensions can be found in the extensions that are shipped with OpenRefine (gdata, database, jython, pc-axis and wikidata). A sample extension (sample) is also provided, with a minimal build file.

For any library that your extension depends on, you should try to find a matching artifact in the Maven Central repository. If you can find such an artifact, delete the .jar file from your extension and add the dependency in your pom.xml file. If you cannot find such an artifact, it is still possible to incorporate your own .jar file using maven-install-plugin that you can configure in your pom.xml file as follows:

<!-- if you need to add more than one jar, add more execution blocks here -->

And add the dependency to the <dependencies> section as usual:


Migrating to Wikimedia's i18n jQuery plugin

Why are we doing this change?

This adds various important localization features, such as the ability to handle plurals or interpolation. This also restores the language fallback (displaying strings in English if they are not available in the target language) which did not work with the previous set up.

When was the migration made?

The migration was made between 3.1-beta and 3.1, with this commit:

How to migrate an extension

You will need to update your translation files, merging nested objets in one global object, concatenating keys. You can do this by running the following Python script on all your JSON translation files:

import json
import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
j = json.loads(

result = {}
def translate(obj, path):
res = {}
if type(obj) == str:
result['/'.join(path)] = obj
for k, v in obj.items():
new_path = path + [k]
translate(v, new_path)

translate(j, [])

with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))

Then your javascript files which retrieve the translated strings should be updated: $.i18n._('core-dialogs')['cancel'] becomes $.i18n('core-dialogs/cancel'). You can do this with the following sed script:

 sed -i "s/\$\.i18n._(['\"]\([A-Za-z0-9/_\\-]*\)['\"])\[['\"]\([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*\)[\"']\]/$.i18n('\1\/\2')/g" my_javascript_file.js

You can then chase down the places where you are concatenating translated strings, and replace that with more flexible patterns using the plugin's features.

Migrating from org.json to Jackson

Why are we doing this change?

The org.json (or json-java) library has multiple drawbacks.

  • First, it has limited functionality - all the serialization and deserialization has to be done explicitly - an important proportion of OpenRefine's code was dedicated to implementing these;
  • Second, its implementation is not optimized for speed - multiple projects have reported speedups when migrating to more modern JSON libraries;
  • Third, and this was the decisive factor to initiate the migration: its license is the MIT license with an additional condition which makes it non-free. Getting rid of this dependency was required by the Software Freedom Conservancy as a prerequisite to become a fiscal sponsor for the project.

When was the migration made?

This change was made between 3.1 and 3.2-beta, with this commit:

How to migrate an extension or fork

You will need to use the Jackson library to serialize the classes that implement interfaces or extend classes exposed by OpenRefine. The interface Jsonizable was deleted. Any class that used to implement this now needs to be serializable by Jackson, producing the same format as the previous serialization code. This applies to any operation, facet, overlay model or GREL function. If you are new to Jackson, have a look at this tutorial to learn how to annotate your class for serialization. Once this is done, you can remove the void write(JSONWriter writer, Properties options) method from your class. Note that it is important that you do this migration for all classes implementing the Jsonizable interface that are exposed to OpenRefine's core.

We encourage you to migrate out of org.json completely, but this is only required for the classes that interact with OpenRefine's core.

General notes about migrating

OpenRefine's ObjectMapper is available at ParsingUtilities.mapper. It is configured to only serialize the fields and getters that have been explicitly marked with @JsonProperty (to avoid accidental JSON format changes due to refactoring). On deserialization it will ignore any field in the JSON payload that does not correspond to a field in the Java class. It has serializers and deserializers for OffsetDateTime and LocalDateTime.

Useful snippets to use in tests:

  • deserialize an instance: MyClass instance = ParsingUtilities.mapper.readValue(jsonString, MyClass.class); (replaces calls to Jsonizable.write);
  • serialize an instance: String json = ParsingUtilities.mapper.writeValueAsString(myInstance); (replaces calls to static methods such as load, loadStreaming or reconstruct);
  • the equivalent of JSONObject is ObjectNode, the equivalent of JSONArray is ArrayNode;
  • create an empty JSON object: ParsingUtilities.mapper.createObjectNode() (replaces new JSONObject());
  • create an empty JSON array: ParsingUtilities.mapper.createArrayNode() (replaces new JSONArray()).

Before undertaking the migration, we recommend that you write some tests which serialize and deserialize your objects. This will help you make sure that the JSON format is preserved during the migration. One way to do this is to collect some sample JSON representations of your objects, and check in your tests that deserializing these JSON payloads and serializing them back to JSON preserves the JSON payload. Some utilities are available to help you with that in TestUtils (we had some to test org.json serialization before we got rid of the dependency, feel free to copy them).

For functions

Before the migration, you had to explicitly define JSON serialization of functions with a write method. You should now override the getters returning the various documentation fields.

Example: Cos function before and after.

For operations

Before the JSON migration we refactored engine-dependent operations so that the engine configuration is represented by an EngineConfig object instead of a JSONObject. Therefore the constructor for your operation should be updated to use this new class. Your constructor should also be annotated to be used during deserialization.

Note that you do not need to explicitly serialize the operation type, this is already done for you by AbstractOperation.

Example: ColumnRemovalOperation before and after.

For changes

Changes are serialized in plain text but often relies on JSON serialization for parts of the data. Just use the methods above with ParsingUtilities.mapper to maintain this behaviour.

Example: ReconChange before and after.

For importers

The importing options have been migrated from JSONObject to ObjectNode. Your compiler should help you propagate this change. Utility functions in JSONUtilities have been migrated to Jackson so you should have minimal changes if you used them.

Example: TabularImportingParserBase before and after.

For overlay models

Migrate serialization and deserialization as for other objects.

Example: WikibaseSchema before and after

For preference values

Any class that is stored in OpenRefine's preference now needs to implement the interface. The static load method and the write method used previously for deserialization should be deleted and regular Jackson serialization and deserialization should be implemented instead. Note that you do not need to explicitly serialize the class name, this is already done for you by the interface.

Example: TopList before and after

Changes for 4.0

Version 4.0 features better support for large datasets and long-running operations.

Most changes for 4.0 happen in the backend. The frontend code remains mostly the same.

  • If your extension only makes frontend changes, you might be able to migrate it without much trouble (perhaps it already works out of the box?). It is worth checking the section on frontend architecture changes and the HTTP API changes if you are making calls to the backend yourself.
  • If your extension includes backend functionality, there might be more work involved. Although an incremental migration (starting from your existing code) might be possible, it might be easier to rewrite those features mostly from scratch following our guide for extension developers.

Changes in package and class names

The first issue you might encounter when trying to migrate an extension to 4.0 is that the package names have changed from* to org.openrefine.*. You are encouraged to run such a replacement on your extension to update the import statements. The following Bash command can be run in a source directory, performing the replacement on all files contained in subdirectories:

find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/com\.google\.refine/org.openrefine/g' {} \;

Note that this must be done in Java files (both main and test classes), but also in the controller.js file where components are registered.

On top of this, the following classes have been renamed:

  • became org.openrefine.model.ColumnMetadata, to make it clear that this class only stores metadata and none of the actual data in the column;
  • was removed: those statistics used to be part of the column metadata, but they are now computed at the same time as facets. They are now represented by org.openrefine.browsing.columns.ColumnStats which stores broader statistics than just reconciliation status.
  • Other reconciliation model classes, such as the Recon or ReconCandidate classes, were moved from to org.openrefine.model.recon.

Changes in Maven module structure

OpenRefine's code base was also made more modular, to make it easier for extensions to declare finer dependencies on the parts of OpenRefine they actually depend on. Those modules are available on Maven Central in the org.openrefine group id.

  • refine-model contains the core classes which define the data model of the application (Project, Row, Cell…)
  • refine-workflow contains the application logic of the tool: all operations, facets, importers, exporters, clusterers available in the tool without extensions;
  • refine-testing contains testing utilities that can be reused by extensions for their own unit tests;
  • refine-grel contains the implementation of the so-called General Refine Expression Language, OpenRefine's default expression language;
  • refine-local-runner contains the default implementation of the Runner/Grid/ChangeData interfaces, optimized for data cleaning workflows executed on a single machine;
  • refine-util contains various utilities.

On top of that, as in 3.x, the main Butterfly module exposes the application functionality via an HTTP API, and the server module runs the actual Butterfly server, offering access to the main module and all installed extensions.

Migrating from in-memory project data storage to the runner architecture

Before 4.0, the project data could be accessed simply via mutable fields of the Project class. For instance project.rows was simply a List<Row> which could be modified freely.

Since 4.0, project data is encapsulated in the Grid interface, which represents the state of the project at a given point in a project's history. The Grid interface encompasses the following fields:

  • the column model (list of columns and their metadata);
  • the cells, grouped into rows or records depending on the needs;
  • the overlay models, generally defined by extensions, which make it possible to store additional information in the project and benefit from the versioning mechanism.

Immutability of core data model classes

All classes involved in representing the state of the project, such as Grid, Row, Cell, Recon and others, are now immutable. This was introduced to make sure that any changes made to the project are done by deriving a new grid and adding it to the history, ensuring proper versioning. The use of immutable classes is also widely regarded as a good practice which makes it easier to guarantee the correctness of data processing applications, especially in the presence of parallelism (which is used in OpenRefine).

A lot of the code changes involved in migrating an extension will be directly related to this change. For instance, while in 3.x you could do something like this:

Column column = new Column();
column.setName("My column");

In 4.0, the setters have been removed and the corresponding code looks like this:

ColumnMetadata column = new ColumnMetadata("My column")

Serializability of classes

Many classes in OpenRefine are now required to be serializable with Java serialization. This is done to enable integrations with distributed execution engines such as Apache Spark (see the refine-spark extension). This should generally not cause much trouble during migration, beyond your IDE prompting you to add serialVersionUID fields in those classes.

Accessing project data

To access the grid in a project, use project.getCurrentGrid(). This gives you access to the underlying data, for instance Grid::rowCount or Grid::getRowwhich retrieves a row by its index. Note that it is worth thinking twice about how you access grid data using the methods offered by theGrid` interface, to make sure it is as efficient as possible. For instance, if you wanted to do something for each row in the project, you could do something like this:

// Warning, do not do this! See efficient version below
for (long i = 0; i != grid.rowCount(); i++) {
Row row = grid.getRow(i);
// do something with the row

Running this code would be rather inefficient with the default implementation of Grid, as accessing an individual row might involve opening files and scanning them to find the appropriate row. This typically happens when the project data does not fit in memory. Instead, you should rather use the following:

try (CloseableIterator<IndexedRow> iterator = grid.iterateRows(RowFilter.ANY_ROW)) {
for (Row row : iterator) {
// do something with the row

This variant has the benefit of doing a single pass on the grid, opening any required file only once, which is much more efficient. The try-with-resources block ensures that any files opened to support the iterator are closed when we leave the loop (be it because the end of the grid was reached, or because the iteration was interrupted by a break, return or throw statement).

Check the documentation of the Grid interface to find the method that feels the most fitting for your needs. As a fallback solution, you can always use Grid::collectRows() to obtain a standard Java List, but of course this forces the loading of the entire project data in memory.

Modifying project data

To make changes to the grid, you need to run an operation on the project so that the changes are properly logged in the history. The operation will derive a new grid which will become the current one. This is done by implementing an Operation and running it via project.getHistory().addEntry(operation).

The Grid interface provides various methods to derive a new grid with some changes. For instance, to execute the same transformation on all rows, one can use the Grid::mapRows(RowMapper, ColumnModel) method. Its first agrument supplies a function which is applied on each row, and the second is the new column model of the resulting grid (which might not be the same as in the initial grid, for instance when adding a new column). Note that there is no guarantee on the order in which the mapping function will be executed, as the execution might be eager or lazy, sequential or parallel depending on the implementations. As such this function should be pure.

Often, you will want to run transformations that are not pure, or which should be executed only once for each row because they are expensive. This means that the data produced by the transformation should be persisted, that the progress of computing this data should be reported to the user, and that the user is able to pause and resume this computation. All those features are available to you, at the small cost of going through a slightly more complicated API. The transformation is implemented in two steps:

  • deriving a ChangeData object from the original grid. This ChangeData object contains the results of the expensive or stateful computation run on the grid, indexed by the identifiers of the row/record they were generated from. This derivation is obtained by applying a function on each row, via a RowChangeDataProducer (or RecordChangeDataProducer in records mode).
  • then, this ChangeData is joined back with the original grid, to obtain the final grid. This makes use of a RowChangeDataJoiner (or similarly, RecordChangeDataJoiner) which, given a row from the old grid and the result of the expensive computation on that row, returns the row on the new grid.

In addition, to make it possible to recover from crashes (which can happen during the computation of a ChangeData object), the Grid interface makes it possible to supply an incomplete ChangeData object from a previous attempt to compute the operation, such that the new ChangeData object can avoid recomputing the rows that were already computed. This also requires supplying a serializer object to define how the expensively computed data can be saved on disk.

All in all, the code to implement such an operation will generally look like this:

    protected static class MyChangeDataProducer implements RowChangeDataProducer<Long> {
// ... implements a function which computes an expensive Long from a Row

protected static class MyChangeDataJoiner implements RowChangeDataJoiner<Long> {
// ... implements a function which inserts the computed Long value inside a Row, for instance in a new column

protected static class MyChangeDataSerializer implements ChangeDataSerializer<Long> {
// ... defines how our Long values are represented as strings (which is needed to persist them)

// main method of the operation
public ChangeResult apply(Grid projectState, ChangeContext context) throws OperationException {

ChangeData<Long> changeData = null;
try {
changeData = context.getChangeData("expensive_longs", new MyChangeDataSerializer(), existingChangeData -> {
return projectState.mapRows(engine.combinedRowFilters(), new MyChangeDataProducer(), existingChangeData);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOOperationException(e);

MyChangeDataJoiner joiner = new MyChangeDataJoiner();
Grid joined = projectState.join(changeData, joiner, projectState.getColumnModel());

return new ChangeResult(joined, GridPreservation.PRESERVES_RECORDS, null);

Real-world examples can be found in the ExpressionBasedOperation or PerformWikibaseEditsOperation classes.

Creating new grids

There are also situations where we need to create a new Grid instance without applying a transformation on an existing one. This is for example the case in any importer, which needs to create a project from scratch. This can also be helpful for some operations which are not able to formulate their changes easily using the transformation methods offered in the Grid interface. In this case, they can take all the data out of the original grid, run an arbitrary algorithm on this data and create a new grid to store the result (this should only be used as a fallback solution, since it generally comes with poor memory management).

Creating grids can be done via the Runner interface, which acts as a factory class for grids. It offers multiple options:

  • from a list of rows, which is only viable if the grid is small enough to fit in memory;
  • from an iterable of rows, which makes it possible to avoid loading all rows in memory. As a consequence, the iterable source will generally be iterated on multiple times, on demand, when methods of the resulting grid are called.
  • by loading it from a file on disk, if the grid has been serialized in the expected format;
  • by reading a text file (or collection of text files in the same folder), interpreting each line as a one-cell row. This can be useful as a basis to write importers which use a textual format.

Changes in the HTTP API offered by OpenRefine's backend

Use of HTTP status codes

In 3.x and before, all commands systematically returned the HTTP 200 status code, regardless of whether they executed successfully or not. In 4.0, more meaningful status codes were introduced. We encourage extensions to do the same. A catch-all event listener reports any failing command to the user.

It is important to note that error status codes should only be returned in cases where an error signals a problem in OpenRefine or an extension. For instance, previewing an expression which contains a syntax error should not return an HTTP status code representing an error, because it is expected that users submit invalid expressions and such errors are displayed in a specific way in the expression preview dialog.

The get-rows command

The get-rows command offered by the backend to fetch batches of rows or records has changed. In 3.x, the command expected:

  • engine: the configuration of the engine, indicating whether the rows or records mode should be used, as well as the active facets;
  • limit: a page size;
  • start: the number of filtered rows/records before the page.

Note that the start parameter is not always the id of the first row or record to return: if facets are applied, there might be rows/records filtered out before the requested page, in which case the first row id returned will be greater than the start parameter. For the backend, this is inefficient: this means that all rows before the requested page must be processed to check whether they match the facets or not. This was also the source of UX issues as the scrolling position in the grid could often not be preserved after some operation was applied.

In the new architecture, the command now expects:

  • engine: the configuration of the engine, as before;
  • limit: a page size, as before;
  • exactly one of:
    • start: a lower bound on the first row/record id to return
    • end: an upper bound on the last row/record id to return

If no facets are applied, the combination of start and limit will give the same results as in the previous version, with the first row id returned being given by the value of the start parameter. But when facets are applied, the behaviour differs: the backend will start inspecting the row/record at the given start offset, and return the first limit matching rows/records.

The format of the response has changed too. In 3.x, the contents of reconciliation objects used to be stored separately, in a pool object. Those reconciliation objects are now stored directly in the cell objects they belong to, and the reconciliation pool was removed.

Corresponding issues: #3562, PR #5411.

The get-models command

The output of the get-models command has been impacted in several ways:

  • The recordsModel field was removed
  • Its hasRecord field was moved to the columnModel field.

The hasRecords field has also changed meaning. It used to be set to true when the grid contained more rows than records. Both for performance reasons and UX considerations, we have changed this to indicate whether the importer and operations leading to the current project state created a record structure by design. This should be a more faithful indication of whether the records mode should be offered to the user in this project state.

Corresponding issues: #5661 and commit 64c552bb1.

Applying operations

In 3.x, each operation that the user can run on a project came with the following Java classes in the backend:

  • an Operation class, which holds the metadata for the operation and is responsible for its JSON serialization (which is exposed in the history tab, among others)
  • a Change class (often reused by different operations), which is responsible for actually applying the operation to the project (carrying out the corresponding transformation)
  • a Command class, which exposes an HTTP API to initiate the operation on a project.

Therefore, each operation came with its own HTTP endpoint to apply it, and the frontend can call that endpoint when the user clicks on some menu item or validates some dialog, for instance.

In 4.x, those dedicated HTTP enpdoints were removed in favour of using the generic apply-operations command, which was used by the Undo/Redo tab to let the user apply a sequence of operations defined by a JSON array.

In the frontend, a new utility method was introduced: Refine.postOperation. This method can be used to apply an operation by supplying the same JSON represetation one would find in the history tab. Under the hood, it calls the apply-operations command. If an extension used the Javascript functions Refine.postProcess or Refine.postCoreProcess, we recommend you migrate it to use Refine.postOperation instead. Note that the JSON serialization of the operation and the parameters expected by the dedicated command in 3.x do not always match perfectly, so it is worth double-checking the syntax when doing the migration. See PR #5559 for examples of migrations in the core tool.

Corresponding issues: #5539, PR #5559

Support for sampling in facet evaluation

The compute-facets command supports sampling, to evaluate facets only on a subset of rows or records as a way of speeding up the computation. This feature can be enabled by adding an aggregationLimit field to the engine configuration JSON passed to the backend, as follows:

"mode": "record-based",
"facets": [
"type": "list",
"name": "country",
"columnName": "country",
"expression": "value",
"omitBlank": false,
"omitError": false,
"selection": [],
"selectBlank": false,
"selectError": false,
"invert": false
"aggregationLimit": 10000

This will cap the evaluation of facets to the given limit. The number of rows or records actually processed might vary and is returned in the response, using the following parameters:

  • agregatedCount: number of rows or records which were actually processed;
  • filteredCount: out of those processed rows or records, how many matched the filters defined by the facets;
  • limitReached: true when the aggregation stopped because of the aggregationLimit set in the request, false when the entire dataset was processed.

Changes in GREL

In 4.0, two separate classes of GREL functions were introduced:

  • the pure functions, which only perform a (generally lightweight) computation on their arguments, without interacting with any external system (disk, network, other OpenRefine components). Those functions extend the PureFunction abstract class. This is for instance the case of the trim() or parseJson() functions.
  • the other functions, which are allowed to perform side-effects or access contextual data beyond their own arguments. This is the case of the facetCount() function (since it is able to access project data which is not supplied to it as an argument) or the cross() function (which is even able to access other projects).

If your extension defines custom GREL functions, they implement the Function interface in OpenRefine 3.x. For each of those functions, it is worth checking whether they are pure. If that is the case, change them to implement the PureFunction interface instead. This will make it possible to evaluate them on the fly (lazily). Otherwise, any expression that relies on such an unpure function will be treated as expensive to compute, meaning that deriving a new column based on such an expression will be treated as a long-running operation, which stores its results on disk.

Changes in importers

The structure of the importers has changed, mostly due to the migration to immutable data structures. In OpenRefine 3.x, importers were passed an empty project that they had to fill with data - hence relying crucially on the mutability of the Project class.

This can be seen in the signature of the ImportingParser::parse method:

public void parse(
Project project,
ProjectMetadata metadata,
ImportingJob job,
List<ObjectNode> fileRecords,
String format,
int limit,
ObjectNode options,
List<Exception> exceptions);

Instead, in 4.0, importers do not interact with Project instances at all. Their task is simply to return a Grid given the importing parameters they have been passed. To be able to do so, they are also passed a Runner instance, since this factory object is required to create grids.

public Grid parse(
Runner runner,
ProjectMetadata metadata,
ImportingJob job,
List<ImportingFileRecord> fileRecords,
String format,
long limit,
ObjectNode options) throws Exception;

Also note the migration to throwing exceptions when encountering errors instead of storing those in a List.